George W. says to an aide, "I need to do better in south Florida this year. I gotta see what all this Jewish stuff is about."
So off they go to a kosher restaurant. The first course is set in front of them - matzoh ball soup.
George W. is grossed out and reluctant to taste this strange-looking brew.
Gently, the aide says,"Just have a taste, Mr. President. If you don't like it, you don't have to finish it."
George W. gingerly lowers his spoon into the bowl, picking up a small piece of matzoh ball with some broth. He hesitates, then swallows, and a grin slowly appears on his face. George W. digs in and quickly finishes off the entire bowl and all of the matzoh balls.
"That was delicious," George W.says to his aide. "Do they eat any other parts of the matzoh, or just the balls?"